Fat Transfer

Aesthetic Results

Fat Transfer

Dr. Urzola does not perform fat transfer at the time of explant.

Fat transfer involves harvesting the fat (liposuction) and the fat injecting procedures.

The fat cells are obtained via a syringe using a liposuction technique and processed for transplantation. The process includes purification, which involves eliminating anesthetics, lipids, and medical fluids apart from the fat to obtain healthy fat cells.

Using this technique lessens the chances of transferring unwanted material with the fat while increasing the event of a successful fat transfer—the purer the injected substances, the better the yield of fat cells.

Once the fat cells are processed, they are meticulously injected in dozens of small injections into the breast tissue and between the chest wall and skin of the breasts.

There will be a great deal of swelling following the procedure, and there will be about a 50% fat loss of the injected fat. In the weeks to come, you will continue to see improvements as the implanted fat gradually becomes part of your breasts. It can take six months or more to see the full results. You can expect your new breast size and volume is permanent as long as you keep your weight stable.

There will be a need for a second lipo-transfer procedure in some cases. Patients can expect approximately one cup size per fat transfer procedure; if you desire to be larger than what one fat transfer can yield, you will need two or more systems.